The Art of Licensing: How to Leverage Intellectual Property Licenses

In today's dynamic business landscape, companies are increasingly recognizing the strategic value of securing intellectual property licenses. These agreements, where licensors grant others the right to use their intellectual property, offer a myriad of benefits for both parties involved. From accessing cutting-edge technologies to mitigating risks and generating revenue, the advantages are diverse and impactful. [...]

By |2024-01-09T05:49:42-05:00January 9th, 2024|Idea2Ideal, News|0 Comments

Notice of Motion: Opening the Door for Other Relief

In 2020, Energizer Brands, LLC v Gillette Co, 2020 FCA 49, was the subject of much attention for narrowing the test for depreciation of goodwill in comparative advertising. Perhaps overshadowed by the development in trademark law, a new concept in civil procedure went somewhat unnoticed. In the Energizer Brands decision, the Federal Court of Appeal [...]

By |2024-01-14T05:57:11-05:00January 9th, 2024|News|0 Comments
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