While the intellectual property and business law services offered by the professionals at Andrews Robichaud vary depending on each of our clients’ unique needs, they all embrace the same ultimate objective: providing real value and practical results to our clients. In general terms, these services can be categorized as either “sword” or “shield” in nature, and often encompass both.
The “sword” element pertains to helping our clients make advancements in the growth of their business and in the market place. Secure exclusivity and gain market share and value. The “shield” component is providing them, their business and customers with protection from unfair business practices and unlawful competition.
The constant theme present in all of our service offerings is one of creating and protecting value and wealth. The ability to create, protect and leverage intellectual property based assets is one of the great builders of modern day businesses, and we are proud to be able to participate with our clients and help them to achieve the real results they seek in the growth and evolution of their intellectual property assets and businesses.
Patent (Inventions, Utility Models, Designs)
Trade Dress/Unfair Competition
Domain Name Registration & Dispute
Trade Secrets
IP Enforcement
Social Media
Franchising & Licensing
Technology Transfer
Securitization & Capital Valuation of IP Rights
Industrial Designs
Business Advice
Corporate Services
Mergers & Acquisition
Dispute Resolution
E-Business Issues
Patent law provides that a patent can be secured for any innovation or advancement in the way something works, and also can include to improvements that are made to existing products or processes. Our patent lawyers and patent agents can help our clients to secure a lawful and exclusive patent and property right to make, use and sell the invention that has been made.
A business’ trademark represents the company’s reputation as well as the quality and consistency of its products and services. Customers will connect to the products and services generating growth and repeat sales. A trademark can be shown as name, a design, (or both), or the shape of a product or its container. Trademarks are, like patents, protected on a country by country basis (or in some instances regions), and are best protected when they are registered.
Copyright law sets out what is perhaps the best of the intellectual property rights in terms of the ease of how it comes into existence, the scope of protection and the term. In short, it arises instantly, provides that broadest form of protection in terms of territory, and has a very long term of exclusive protection attached to it.
Our patent lawyers and patent agents advise on how to secure exclusive industrial design rights, which then provide our clients with exclusive, legally enforceable rights in Canada for up to 10 years. Like a patent or other intellectual property right, secured industrial design rights can be used by the client, or sold or licensed to others to make, use and sell the distinctive design.
Litigation is typically the term referring to the many varied court based process whereby parties seek to enforce their legal rights as Plaintiffs, or defend their conduct as Defendants against the legal claims by third parties. Often referred to by many different names, such as legal actions, law suits, legal proceedings, court proceedings and the like, in the context of intellectual property and business law, the most common forms of litigation would be for infringement, expungement passing off, unfair competition, and breach of contract or breach of agreement.
Intellectual property rights and knowledge-based assets are and can be very valuable. One of the important focus areas of Andrews Robichaud is to work closely with clients and to help them commercialize and exploit their patent, trademark, copyright and industrial design assets, whether it is through a sale, transfer, licensing arrangement, franchise, syndication or any other alliance or arrangement that both protects and maximizes these intellectual property rights and their value for our clients. Our emphasis is on helping our clients to be successful.
There is no shortage of legal considerations when it comes to managing one’s business or corporation. From drafting contracts and shareholder agreements to filing your articles of incorporation, Andrews Robichaud is here to assist you along every step of managing your business or corporation. Our corporate and business law section works closely with our intellectual property group to ensure that IP concerns are addressed from day one.